Currently: March

I miss those little wings

missing the little wings over Ben’s ears. I gave him a microscopic trim a week or so ago, and it was good because mostly, the hair just hung weirdly over his ears, but I totally wasn’t prepared for how much older the haircut makes him look.

reading like a fiend and loving it. I just finished All the Light We Cannot See (you should read it!) and about halfway through The Rosie Project (so fun, if a little Big Bang Theory-ish).

listening to podcasts as I drive around – especially loving Elise Gets Crafty (of course), Radiolab, The Lively Show, Dear Sugar Radio, and Strangers.

eating Reese’s peanut butter eggs (the seasonal ones are where it’s at).

anticipating some 40 degree weather this week; I’m going to take ALL the walks. (It’s amazing that 40 degree weather feels balmy after weeks and weeks and weeks of weather in the teens and 20s.)

pushing myself out of my comfort zone by going to two events run by my local Mom’s Club, even though it was intimidating and awkward at times. (And I’m going to keep going.)

planning my next tattoo, which I’m getting very, very soon. Eek!

writing morning pages for the first time ever. It’s been YEARS since I have written in a paper journal and since I’m having trouble figuring out what I want to say in this space, it has been wonderful. (But my handwriting! Holy cow, I had no idea how atrocious it had gotten until I wrote more than what fits on a 3×4 card!)

buying brightly colored, springy nail polish. Winter has been TOO LONG and it’s time to hurry the springification of my little world.

marveling as Ben learns new things and gets into something new every time I turn around. It’s a whirlwind, but watching how fast he’s figuring things out is amazing and wonderful.

hearing everyone we know tell us either, “You’re going to have your hands full with this one!” or “It’s all over now!” now that Ben is so mobile.

dreaming about warm days and no socks and open windows.